Before and after facelift photo of a woman’s full face.

Tighten Loose Skin With a Facelift in Bangkok

A rhytidectomy or facelift surgery is one of the most popular procedures that patients undergo at Nirunda Clinic to tighten loose skin. 

Facelift surgery is popular in Bangkok because it’s a tried and tested way of restoring the skin’s smooth texture for a more youthful appearance.

Before and after facelift photo of a woman’s full face.

What Causes Skin to Loosen?

Aging is one of the most common causes of skin loosening. As we age, our body produces less collagen and elastin, which affects our skin’s tensile strength and elasticity. As such, the skin on our face tends to have more noticeable wrinkles and folds. This is why individuals aged 40-60 and older often consider anti-aging solutions such as a rhytidectomy.

Our lifestyle, which includes our diet as well as alcohol and nicotine consumption, and sun exposure, also affects the pace that our skin ages. Vitamin deficiency, specifically vitamins C and E, is also known to cause premature skin aging and loosening since it affects collagen production and synthesis.

How Can You Tighten Saggy Skin Without Surgery?

At Nirunda Clinic, we offer skin tightening treatments using innovative technology to slow down and treat moderate skin sagging and laxity. Our treatments include filler injections such as Botox or laser therapies like Thermage CPT, a non-invasive skin-tightening laser that uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production. 

Other treatments, including ultrasound, infrared, and laser resurfacing technologies like DeepIR, Ulthera, and Sublime lasers, are also non-invasive and help to contour and tighten loose skin in the face, neck, and body.

Aside from these treatments, regular skin care involving moisturizing your face and applying SPF generously daily can help slow skin sagging. Living a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious and balanced meals, getting enough sleep, and drinking plenty of water can also help maintain your skin’s taut appearance. 

How Can You Tighten Loose Skin Permanently and Effectively?

However, if you want a dramatic result and to significantly tighten saggy skin, you can opt for a surgical solution. A rhytidectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that tightens the lower half of the face by removing excess skin and fat around the chin and jawline. The skin tightening results in lessening deep wrinkles around the mouth and nose.

The procedure is done under anesthesia and involves making an incision along the natural crease line around the ear and hairline. Then, the layer of muscle beneath called the platysma and the connective tissue are pulled back to tighten the face. The pulled tissue is attached to the bone behind and in front of the ear to secure the tightened skin. The skin incision is closed and excess skin is trimmed as needed. 

If it’s part of the treatment plan, a necklift can be done at the same time. This procedure will also tighten the skin on the neck.

After the operation, your doctor will prescribe pain medication to lessen any discomfort. You may also experience some numbness around the surgical area. You must rest your head in an elevated position and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. Vigorous activities like exercise must be avoided for at least four weeks. With proper care, it can take a month or two for your surgery to heal.

A before and after rhytidectomy photo of a female patient’s lower face.

Where Can You Get Facelift Surgery?

A facelift is an individualized procedure, so each one is different and depends on each person’s facial features and goals. It’s an invasive cosmetic procedure that must be performed by a highly trained surgeon to ensure your safety.

Nirunda Clinic offers rhytidectomy surgery performed by board-certified cosmetic surgeons specializing in the procedure. It’s important to consult with your doctor before the procedure to discuss your goals, any medical conditions you may have, the rhytidectomy process and possible outcomes, and what to do prior to and post-operation. 

Our experienced cosmetic surgeons can advise you on the best-suited treatment plan and explain the entire procedure so that you understand what it will entail and the risks involved. Before deciding, you may also want to see before and after photos of patients who have undergone a similar procedure or speak with people who can share their rhytidectomy experience. 

Your doctor will also require a laboratory check-up and a pre-surgical evaluation before the operation to ensure you are healthy enough for the procedure. A rhytidectomy will take about 1-4 hours, depending on the scope of the surgical area.

When you book a rhytidectomy at Nirunda Clinic, you will receive excellent care from our medical staff. We take pride in providing high-quality service in our modern facilities using the latest technologies.

Contact us and book a consultation with our doctors to find the most effective ways to tighten loose skin on your face.