A doctor with a patient undergoing blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty vs. Fillers: Which is Right for You?

Eye bags and dark undereye circles are two prominent signs of aging. Blepharoplasty (or eyelid surgery) and undereye fillers are two treatments that effectively remedy these conditions.

Age, stress, and lifestyle habits often manifest as eye bags and dark undereye circles, making us look more tired and older than we feel. While makeup and skincare might provide a temporary fix, many are turning to long-term solutions like blepharoplasty and undereye fillers. As you search for “blepharoplasty vs. fillers,” you might wonder which one is right for you.

A doctor with a patient undergoing blepharoplasty

This article delves deep into these cosmetic treatments, helping you make an informed decision. We’ll discuss the following:

What Causes Eye Bags and Undereye Circles?

The skin around our eyes is delicate and thin. Over time, various factors contribute to the appearance of bags and dark circles. Aging naturally leads to the loss of collagen and elasticity. Moreover, genetics, dehydration, allergies, and prolonged screen time can make your eyebags and undereye circles more prominent.

What is Blepharoplasty Surgery?

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin, fat, and muscle from around the eyes. This operation can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. After the procedure, patients often notice a significant reduction in drooping, puffiness, and wrinkles.
Recovery from the procedure takes several weeks, with most patients returning to regular activities within 10 to 14 days. The results? A more refreshed and youthful appearance. If you’re considering blepharoplasty in Bangkok, choose a clinic with world-class facilities and expert care.

What are Undereye Fillers

Unlike blepharoplasty, undereye fillers or tear-trough fillers are non-surgical. Tear-trough fillers involve injecting hyaluronic acid or other materials beneath the eyes to plump up the area, smoothing out hollows and reducing shadows. The process is quick, often taking less than an hour. Results are immediate, giving a refreshed and rejuvenated look. However, it’s essential to note that fillers are temporary, lasting 6 months to 2 years, depending on the product used.

What is the Difference Between Blepharoplasty Vs. Undereye Fillers?
The primary difference is in the approach and longevity. Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure offering permanent results by removing excess tissue. In contrast, undereye fillers are non-invasive, providing quick but temporary results, requiring periodic touch-ups.

Where to Get Blepharoplasty and Undereye Filler Procedures?

Before and after photo of a woman who had an eyebag removal procedure

It’s vital to consult with a board-certified doctor specializing in these procedures. They can evaluate your needs and guide you toward the best treatment for your concerns. Nirunda International Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok offers effective aesthetic treatments and cosmetic surgery using the state-of-the-art technologies and techniques. With our highly trained doctors, advanced technologies, and a commitment to patient satisfaction, you’re in good hands.

Preparation and After-care Tips for Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty Preparation

Get a Medical Evaluation: Your doctor might request a physical examination, vision tests, and possibly eyelid photography.
Avoid Some Medication: Discuss all the medications you take. You might be asked to stop taking medicines that increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin.
No Smoking: Refrain from smoking for several weeks before and after surgery, as it can delay healing.
Arrange for Help: Since you may temporarily lose the ability to close your eyelids completely, ensure someone can drive you home post-surgery and help out for a day or two.

Blepharoplasty After-care

Apply Cold Compress: Use a cold compress for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling.
Use Eye Drops & Ointments: Your doctor may prescribe lubricating eye drops or ointments.
Sleep in an Elevated Position: Keep your head elevated for several days to help reduce swelling.
Avoid Strenuous Activities: Refrain from activities that increase blood flow to the eyes, including bending and lifting.
Use Eye Protection: Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun and wind.

Preparation and After-care Tips for Undereye Fillers

Undereye Filler Preparation

Get a Consultation: Understand the process and set realistic expectations during your consultation with a certified medical professional.
Avoid Blood Thinners: Similar to blepharoplasty, you’ll be asked to refrain from medications and supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding.
Clean Skin: Arrive for the procedure with clean skin, free of makeup or creams.

Undereye Filler After-care

Minimal Touching: Avoid touching or rubbing the treated area for at least 6 hours.
Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Stay away from excessive heat (e.g. saunas) or cold.
Expect Mild Swelling or Bruising: This is normal and will subside within a week. Over-the-counter pain relievers or cold compresses can help alleviate symptoms.
Go to Check-ups: Schedule a follow-up appointment to assess results and determine if additional treatments are necessary.

Contact Nirunda Clinic to book a consultation with our specialists to get advice on the best-suited treatment between blepharoplasty or undereye fillers to help you regain your youthful appearance. Our doctors and staff are ready to provide excellent service and care to ensure the best results possible.