Surgical facelifts in Bangkok can last for a decade or more.

Exploring Surgical vs. Non-surgical Facelifts

Surgical facelifts in Bangkok can last for a decade or more.

As we age, the desire to turn back the clock and reclaim our youthful glow becomes more appealing. Thankfully, due to modern medical advancements, the pursuit of timeless beauty has become more accessible than ever. The facelift is one solution that has grown in popularity worldwide, including in Thailand. In this blog, we’ll explore the options of surgical vs. non-surgical facelifts and provide insights that will help you to make an informed choice tailored to your individual needs.

Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic offers both surgical and non-surgical facelift treatments at our facility in Bangkok, Thailand. Before making a final decision about your surgical vs. non-surgical facelift options, please schedule a consultation with our doctors.

Surgical vs. Non-surgical Facelifts

Facelift surgery has become a rejuvenating choice for people seeking to reverse the effects of aging. A surgical facelift involves tightening and repositioning facial tissues, smoothing wrinkles, and restoring a more youthful appearance. On the other hand, non-surgical options, such as Botox treatments, offer a less invasive approach to fighting the signs of aging. Botox temporarily paralyses muscles that cause wrinkles, providing a smoother and more youthful complexion.

The decision between surgical and non-surgical facelifts depends on individual preferences, goals, and the extent of the desired rejuvenation. Surgical facelifts offer comprehensive and enduring results and are ideal for those looking for more dramatic and long-lasting results. They can last for a decade or longer. They address deep wrinkles, a loss of facial volume, and sagging skin. The recovery period is longer, but the transformative effects are often worth the wait.

Non-surgical options, like Botox treatments, are temporary solutions. Botox injections last for three to four months before another treatment is required to maintain the achieved appearance. Botox treatments are suitable for individuals seeking a subtle enhancement with minimal downtime, making them an attractive choice for those with busy lifestyles.

Surgical Facelift Preparation and Recovery

You’ll be able to return home directly after your facelift surgery. However, as a facelift is performed while you’re under general anesthesia, you’ll have to arrange for someone to take you home and care for you during the first few days. You’ll also have to stop eating and drinking the night before your surgery. Your doctor may provide additional preparation instructions that apply specifically to your procedure.

After your surgery, expect to spend two weeks or more recovering from your procedure. For the first 24 hours, you’ll be groggy from the anesthesia and may need help getting around. The first day after surgery is when you may need pain medication the most. During the first two or three days, you’ll have a follow-up visit to your doctor and have your bandages changed and any drains removed. You’ll feel well enough to be up and about after one or two days.

During the first week after surgery, your swelling will start to go down, and the need for pain medication will be reduced. Swelling can be further reduced by elevating your head when you sleep and applying cold packs to your face throughout the day. Avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous activities for at least two to three weeks after your surgery.

Botox treatments in Bangkok are a popular non-surgical type of facelift. i

Botox Treatment Preparation and Recovery

One week before your Botox treatment, you’ll be instructed to stop taking any medications or substances that may act as blood thinners. These can include aspirin, fish oil, gingko, and vitamin C. The doctor may provide a topical cream that acts as a local anesthetic during the treatment. However, the needles used during treatment are so thin that many people don’t feel any discomfort during treatment.

After the treatment, please avoid rubbing or massaging the treated area for at least twenty-four hours and avoid applying makeup for at least six hours. Also, avoid lying flat during the first six hours after treatment. You may experience swelling and mild bruising in the treatment areas, but it should subside within a day or two. You should begin to see the results of your treatment within one to three days.

Discover Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic

Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic is Bangkok’s premier destination for aesthetic excellence. We have a seasoned team of experts waiting to guide you through a suite of both surgical and non-surgical facelift options. Our clinic understands that each individual is unique and your needs are distinct. An initial consultation at our clinic promises expert guidance tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that you make an informed decision on whether to take a surgical or non-surgical approach to a rejuvenated appearance.

We provide a wide range of face and body surgical procedures for both men and women. We also offer a variety of rejuvenating injectable treatments, including hyaluronic acid fillers, mesotherapy, and plasma growth factors for a younger-looking you.

Our Bangkok clinic boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced doctors and professional aestheticians dedicated to providing the highest standards of care. Whether you choose a surgical facelift for a more profound and long-lasting transformation or a non-surgical option for a subtle refresh, Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic has the expertise to deliver exceptional results. Please schedule an initial consultation with us today.