A sex change operation is a big step.

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T he world is becoming more and more accepting of those who are born in what they feel is the wrong body. Males who feel they should have been born as females are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel as more people are accepting their transsexuality.
But while their friends and family and society may be accepting and show support, often the only thing that will bring them true happiness may be a male-to-female sex change operation. Deciding to undergo this procedure, also known as sexual reassignment surgery, is not an easy choice to make, but it may be the only choice that will bring you true happiness and contentment.
Taking this step in your life can be a momentous undertaking, full of doubts and questions. You want to learn everything you can before you make a commitment..
Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic offers male-to-female sexual reassignment surgery (SRS). We’ll answer some commonly asked questions about sexual reassignment to help you decide if it’s something you would like to pursue. We’ll also outline the medical protocols you must follow to ensure you’re ready for the surgery.

Starting the Road to Sexual Reassignment

Thailand has laws that must be followed before a clinic is legally allowed to provide a patient with SRS. To begin with, every patient must be at least 18 years of age. At Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic, we also require a signed consent form if the patient is under 20 years of age. In addition to this:
To help you be sure of your decision, Thailand also requires two Thai psychiatrists to officially approve the surgery.
You must also be diagnosed with either gender identity disorder, gender dysphoria or associated conditions.
Finally, you must have successfully undergone a one year minimum of antiandrogen and/or be taking female hormones, and be living full-time as a cross-gender person.

Facts About Male-to-Female SRS

The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association (HBIGDA) issues standards of care that must be adhered to by clinics and hospitals around the globe that treat transgender people and provide sexual reassignment surgery. In 2006, the HBIGDA changed its name to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).
Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic follows the standards of care issued by WPATH. We offer a supportive and friendly environment where patients can feel safe and informed.
Following the criteria set by the WPATH standards of care, before undergoing SRS, you should have two letters approving the SRS from a therapist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, or your general practitioner.
You should stop taking hormones at least two weeks before the surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots. Stop taking oral tablets 2 weeks before and injectables 4 weeks before surgery. In addition, you should stop taking oral antiandrogen 3 days before surgery and injectables 4 weeks prior to surgery.
You must have the results of a physical exam taken within 3 months of the surgery and be free of serious diseases that can be affected by major surgery. You also must pass the following blood tests: CDC, Anti-HIV, electrolytes, blood sugar, bun, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, chest x-ray, ECG, SGOT, and LDH.
You should avoid smoking, aspirin, anticoagulants, ibuprofen, and vitamin E for at least 10-14 days before your surgery.
HIV patients can undergo the procedure, but the patient will be charged an extra 30% for disposal of the instruments used.
All of the necessary documents should be sent to Nirunda Clinic one month prior to your surgery. Upon acceptance for SRS, we will provide you with a detailed schedule of the days before and after your surgery.
We’ll also keep you informed on the details of the procedure, the expected outcome, the course of your recovery, and any possible complications that may occur so you’re aware of the complete process at all times.

Lower Blepharoplasty

Male-to-Female SRS

In SRS, the surgeon's aim is to make "like become like". In other words, using and transforming the sensate male sexual organs into female organs.

The sexual reassignment procedure starts by creating the vaginal cavity in the space between the urethra, prostate, bladder and rectum. 

The testicles are removed in a procedure called an orchiectomy. The skin from the surrounding scrotum is used to create the labia. The spongy erectile tissue of the penis becomes the neo-clitoris. The urethra is carefully preserved, removed from the penile shaft, and remains completely functional.

The procedure includes a urethroplasty and a labiaplasty. The excess skin and erectile tissue around the urethra will be removed to prevent it from becoming engorged during sexual arousal. 

Being able to enjoy a happy and fullfilling sex life as a woman is important to patients. SRS has been designed to focus on retaining the sensitivity of the organs and adapting them to a new form. We offer our patients a choice of three different types of sexual reassignment surgery.

  1.  The long penile is a penile skin inversion of over 6 inches.
  2. A medium penile is a penile skin inversion with a scrotal skin graft (SSG) of 2-6 inches.
  3. The short penile is a penile skin inversion plus a sigmoid colon flap (SCF) of less than 2 inches. 

When you have a consultation with us, we’ll explain these three choices in detail so you can make the right decision.

Finally, the area will be packed with gauze bandages, blood drainage catheters and a urine draining catheter. The procedure provides aesthetic, functional and sensate female genitalia in a single 4-5-hour operation.

Visit Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic

If you’re considering SRS, make an appointment to visit Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic for a consultation with our SRS doctors and staff. We’ll explain everything involved with the surgery and the before and after phases. We’ll answer all your questions and ease any concerns you may have. Get in touch with us today.