Plasma Growth Factors

Plasma Growth Factors is a therapy that has been practiced by doctors throughout medical world, especially in sport fields. The process utilizes a patient’s own blood to stimulate a quicker healing response, hence result in faster recovery with none side effect as the process were initially created from the platform of your very own blood.
Plasma Growth Factors at Nirunda
Plasma Growth Factors has step in a cosmetic world due to a greater demand of patients who seek less invasive procedures for facial rejuvenation and a very good source of growth factor that resides abundantly in the platelet. In Platelet Rich Plasma, you will find a cell that create collagen called fibroblast which help cure various kind of skin problems, such as wrinkles, hair growth and acne scar that are primarily the major two problems caused by a massive loss in collagen and elastin fiber from aging process.
What is Plasma Growth Factors ?
Plasma Growth Factors has been widely used in different fields of medicine as autologous therapeutic product. The main component that appears to be associated with the therapeutic effect is the presence of growth factors (GF).
Growth factors in Plasma Growth Factors and their biological functions :
- Platelet derived growth factor ( PDGF (aa,bb,ab)) : Enhances collagen synthesis, proliferation of bone cells, fibroblast chemotaxis and proliferative activity, macrophage activation
- Transforming growth factor ß,alpha(TGF-(ß ,alpha) : Enhances synthesis of type I collagen, promotes angiogenesis, stimulates chemotaxis of immune cells, inhibits osteoclast formation and bone resorption
- Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) : Stimulates angiogenesis, migration and mitosis of endothelial cells, increases permeability of the vessels, stimulates chemotaxis of macrophages and neutrophils
- Epidermal growth factor(EGF): Stimulates cellular proliferation, differentiation of epithelial cells, promotes cytokine secretion by mesenchymal and epithelial cells
- Insulin-like growth factor(IGF I,II): Promotes cell growth, differentiation, recruitment in bone, blood vessel, skin and other tissues, stimulates collagen synthesis together with PDGF
- Fibroblast growth factor (FGF): Promotes proliferation of mesenchymal cells, chondrocytes and osteoblasts, stimulates the growth and differentiation of chondrocytes and osteoblasts
The benefits of Plasma Growth Factors treatment may include:
- Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
- Enhancement of skin texture and tone
- Tightening of skin and improvement in skin laxity
- Improvement of creepy skin such as neck , chest, Breast and birthmark
- Generation of new collagen fibers
- Improve the hair Growth
Laboratory Class 10K for Plasma Growth Factors Extraction
The process in acquiring a gem out of our blood can be done in less than 20 minutes. A small vial of blood will be taken from your arm, and will then be spun in the process of separating blood cells and platelets called centrifugation in the Class 10K laboratory at Nirunda. Once we get the beautified blood out of the centrifuge, we can now use them as a method to correct so many skin problems in several ways to improve skin tone and texture. Activated Plasma Growth Factors serum that we get from the process can be used to stimulate skin natural filler, though significant change is not often seen in most case from Juvederm or Restylane injections but you will get a 100 percent natural and safe touch from your own blood.
We also set up a perfect combination to reach the maximum efficiency off your treatment, where we combine E-matrix, Pearl /Pearl Fractional treatment that stimulate collagen and elastin underneath the deep dermis with Plasma Growth Factors serum. Adding Plasma Growth Factors takes laser resurfacing to a new level by accelerating healing and increasing desired new collagen formation. The leftover serum will then be used as a mask once the laser resurfacing process is done to maximize the end result.
Plasma Growth Factors Advantages
- Plasma Growth Factors Promotes local tissue growth and repair.
- Patient’s safety – patient’s own blood: No disease transmission.
- Non toxic No rejection.
- Convenience – Plasma Growth Factors prepared at doctor’s office. Faster healing – PLT accelerate tissue synthesis. Cost effectiveness – No need for external substances. Simple and easy to use.
Result and Downtime
Topical and injectable Plasma Growth Factors treatments involve minimal to no downtime. Most patients will see improvement in a couple weeks in texture and tone that will last up to three to six months. Patient can cover the make up in the day after Plasma Growth Factors.

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