Vaser Chest

People come in all different shapes and sizes. Every body type has areas that are predisposed to fat storage and, even with rigorous diet and exercise, those unwanted bulges often persist. Patented VASER® Technology and the advanced LipoSelection® technique now offer a safe alternative for ridding yourself of those stubborn fat deposits to provide you a smooth new shape with fast recovery. Already, VASER Lipo has been the choice for thousands of men to remove their chest fat and pointy nipples without glands.
ood candidates for liposuction include healthy individuals of normal weight with good skin tone and elasticity, men who have concentrated pockets of fat resistant to weight loss, and people who have achieved the maximum possible results with regular exercise and healthy, balanced diet.
Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss and should be postponed if additional weight loss or pregnancy is planned in the near future for the best possible results.
What is Men Chest Vaser ?
VASER Liposuction of the male breast is the treatment of choice in the reduction of chest size and improvement in chest shape in men. Many men are often embarrassed by large or unusual shaped breasts (man boobs or moobs) which may appear feminine or unathletic. Often a dramatic change in size is achieved and it is possible to return to work within 5-7 days in most cases.
Even removal of relatively small volumes of fat and breast tissue from around the nipple and breast area generally can achieve dramatic results. Clothes can fit better, shirts fit more naturally. Quite often the fatty tissue extends around to the side of the chest. This is removed at the same time, giving a truly natural looking chest.
Occasionally, men who huge lost the body weight and have an excess skin, small incision is needed to remove breast tissue (gynaecomastia) from underneath the nipple. A few small sutures are positioned for ten days.
Result and Follow up
The surgery time is varied to the numbers of the concerned areas, approximately from 2 to 4 hours. The patient will need to undergo general anesthesia during the operation. Lab Check-up is required to the patient before the surgery.
The small access holes are 2-3mm wide. There are usually 2-3 per side and these settle very quickly. They are not sutured after the procedure and essentially are invisible after a couple of weeks. There may be some temporary numbness but this usually resolves. A special compressive singlet-like chest garment is used for the three to six days after the procedure and should wear in the night time or 8 hours a day for 1-2 months.

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