Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy) in Bangkok, Thailand

*Recovery times / Results May Vary

Facial aging is inevitable. Over time, the skin begins to loosen on the face and neck. Crow’s feet appear at the corners of the eyes. Fine forehead lines become creases, and then gradually, the folds deepen. The jawline softens into jowls, and beneath the chin, another chin or vertical fold appears at the front of the neck. Heredity, personal habits, the pull of gravity, and sun exposure contribute to the aging of the face. As the aging population grows, it is obvious why full facelift surgery, or a rhytidectomy, has become the third most desired facial plastic surgical procedure in our Bangkok clinic.

We perform facelift surgeries (rhytidectomy) in Bangkok, Thailand that include neck lifts. Schedule an appointment with a surgeon at Nirunda clinic to discuss all the aspects of your facelift, including expected results, recovery time, and the cost of such a procedure in Thailand.

We perform full facelift surgeries, which include neck lifts. Facelifts are most commonly performed on patients in the 40-60 age range. However, the procedure can produce good results for people in their 60s, 70s, and 80s as well. You may be a good candidate for facelift surgery if you have any of the following:

  1. A deep line that runs from the corner of your nose to the corner of your mouth, known as the “nasolabial fold.”
  2. Loss of a well-defined jawline or deep wrinkles in the cheeks and sagging skin near the cheekbones known as jowls.
  3. Loose skin, wrinkles, or excess fatty tissue in the neck.

After a face and neck lift, patients should see a significant improvement in the forehead, temporal area, anterior (mid-face), and lower face and neck.

Neck Lift in Bangkok


What is a Necklift?

The neck is a particularly delicate area; with time, its skin can lose elasticity and accumulate fat. This results in the “turkey neck,” vertical banding, or fatty jowls that blur the distinct line between the jaw and neck. A necklift, also called cervicoplasty or platysmaplasty, can address these concerns.

Like the facelift, a neck lift elevates and redrapes the skin of the neck and tightens the underlying muscle (the platysma muscle). If necessary, excess fat in the area is removed as well. The procedure aims to restore a smoother, firmer, and more defined neckline.

The neck lift also helps to tighten the skin of the face. The overall effect of a face and neck lift is a reduction of wrinkles, sagging and jowls, and a youthful-looking appearance.


Who is the Ideal Candidate for a Neck Lift?

Individuals who are bothered by the appearance of their neck due to excess fat, jowls, abnormal contours due to muscle banding, or a double chin caused by fat deposits.


Neck Lift Procedure in Thailand

During neck lift surgery, incisions are typically made around and behind the ear and under the chin, depending on the extent of the procedure. The surgeon will then access the underlying platysma muscle and neck structure. Loose neck muscles are tightened and stitched together, excess skin is trimmed, and in some cases, liposuction is performed to remove fat.


Neck Lift Recovery

Post-surgery, patients may experience swelling, bruising, tightness, and numbness in the surgical area. The recovery period for neck lift surgery generally spans a couple of weeks. It is important to keep the head elevated and avoid twisting or activities that strain the neck muscles.


facelift surgery in bangkok


What is Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is a procedure that reduces excess skin and lifts and tightens the remaining skin on areas of the face that are prone to sagging and drooping. The procedure elevates and redrapes the skin of the face and tightens the underlying platysma muscle. Excess fat is generally removed as well. 

Although some patients may be candidates for liposuction in the neck or a neck lift alone, most patients with enough droop or laxity (looseness) to require a neck lift also need a facelift to tighten the tissues of the neck.


Who Needs Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery or rhytidectomy is designed for individuals who wish to improve the signs of aging by enhancing the appearance of their face and neck. 

As the skin loses elasticity and volume through aging, the face develops deep wrinkles, sagging skin, and jowls. Those with prominent signs such as deep nasolabial folds, lost jawline, sagging cheekbones, or an excess of fatty tissue in the neck can benefit greatly from the surgery.


How to Prepare for Facelift Surgery?

Before the procedure, patients will undergo a detailed consultation and examination with our specialist surgeons to ensure their suitability and discuss the process, desired results, and preparations, such as lab check-ups. 

Patients are advised to stop smoking for a certain period before and after the surgery to ensure proper healing. Your doctor will also advise you to avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and certain herbal supplements, which can increase the risk of bleeding. In addition, you should maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated. You should also arrange for a companion to drive you home and assist in the first 24 hours post-surgery.


 facelift surgery in Bangkok


Full Facelift Surgery Procedure

The patient will be placed under anesthesia, and depending on the size of the area to be treated, the surgery time will range from 1 to 4 hours.

A facelift at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok generally begins with an incision at the temples. The incision is hidden in the hairline. It continues downwards in front of the ears and wraps around behind the ears in the lower scalp. Meanwhile, a neck lift incision starts in front of the earlobe and continues around the ear to the lower scalp. The neck lift also includes a small incision under the chin.

A face and neck lift involves elevating and tightening the skin, muscles, and tissue of the face and neck. Fat deposits in the face may be sculpted or repositioned, or they may be removed. The skin is then laid over the newly resculpted contours of the face. Excess skin is removed, and sutures are inserted to hold the skin while it is healing.


After-surgery Care and Follow-up

After facelift surgery, pain medication will be administered to reduce discomfort, but the patient should inform the surgeon if there is any severe pain. Generally, there will be numbness around the surgery area, but this should return to normal within 2 to 4 months.

For a few days after the surgery, you should rest on your back with your head elevated to reduce swelling. Continue taking pain medication as prescribed by your doctor. You should also apply cold packs to your face to help reduce the swelling and ease pain.

After surgery, it is crucial to refrain from strenuous activity or heavy lifting for at least two weeks. Follow your surgeon’s guidelines about when to resume daily activities, and attend follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and the best possible results.


Cost of a Facelift in Thailand

The cost of full facelift surgery in Thailand can be surprisingly affordable. At Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok, rhytidectomy surgery starts at THB 150,000.

We can perform an online evaluation of your needs to give you a complete summary of the total cost and issue a quotation via email. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to visit our clinic for a consultation and examination. Schedule an appointment with a surgeon at Nirunda Clinic to discuss all the aspects of your facelift, including expected results, recovery time, and the cost of such a procedure in Thailand. We will also answer any questions about the range of treatments offered at Nirunda Clinic.


1Who needs facelift surgery?
While the procedure is most common amongst those in the 40 to 80 age range, the procedure’s suitability depends on the individual’s needs and health condition rather than age alone. Individuals who feel bothered by noticeably sagging skin, deep wrinkles, jowls, lost jawline, or excessive fatty tissue in the neck area and wish to enhance their appearance can consider facelift surgery.
2How long do the results of a facelift typically last?
The results of a successful face and neck lift can last between 7 to 10 years. However, the duration varies based on individual factors like skin quality, genetics, and lifestyle habits.
3How do I prepare for facelift surgery?
Start with a thorough consultation with your surgeon. Follow your doctor’s instructions and guidelines on how to prepare for the procedure. Avoid smoking and taking certain medications, stay hydrated, and arrange for post-surgery assistance.
4What does post-surgery care involve?
Post-surgery, follow your doctor’s instructions on what medications to take and how to care for the surgical area. Keep your head elevated and avoid strenuous activities for a couple of weeks. Attend your follow-up appointments to ensure that your wounds heal well and address any concerns.
5Why have facelift surgery at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok?
Nirunda International Aesthetic Clinic offers cutting-edge face and neck lift procedures performed by skilled surgeons, ensuring our patients receive personalized care and optimal results. With a blend of clinical expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and a patient-centered approach, our clinic has become a sought-after destination for facelift surgery in Bangkok.

Choosing Nirunda Clinic for your facelift means choosing an international-standard aesthetic clinic in Thailand that prioritizes safety, results, and patient satisfaction. With competitive facelift costs in Thailand, we make it possible for you to achieve your aesthetic goals. Our commitment to excellence has made us a leading choice for those seeking a facelift or neck lift surgery in Bangkok, Thailand, and various other aesthetic procedures.
6What does a full facelift surgery do?
A facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy in Bangkok, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess facial fat, tightens facial muscles, and redrapes the skin to present a smoother, more youthful look. This procedure can be performed on the face, the neck, or both, offering a rejuvenated appearance.
7What is the best age for a face and neck lift?
While there's no ideal age to have a facelift or a neck lift, in Thailand, we typically see patients ranging from their late 40s to early 60s. The best time is when signs of aging become bothersome, and your skin still retains some of its natural elasticity. Starting on the earlier side, around your late 40s or early 50s, can yield more natural-looking results.
8How painful is a full facelift surgery?
Concerns about pain are common, but most facelift surgery patients report experiencing only mild to moderate discomfort post-surgery. At Nirunda Clinic, we prioritize your comfort and recovery, providing complete care and practical tips to minimize discomfort and ensure a smooth, swift recovery.
9What are the risks and side effects of a facelift and neck lift?
As with any surgical procedure, facelift and neck lift surgeries have potential risks and side effects attached, such as swelling and bruising. However, choosing a reputable clinic like Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok ensures you're in the hands of experienced surgeons using state-of-the-art techniques to minimize risks and achieve the very best outcomes.


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