Chin Reduction

The normal chin is in balance with the forehead and nose. The aesthetics of the face requires that each part is in harmony with the others. Thus a chin that is too large (macrogenia) detracts from the other normal features.A large chin can give the appearance that the nose is too small and Chin Reduction is necessary to restore the balance of the face. This imbalance can have a major impact on the psychological well being of the patient. Patients can suffer low self-esteem and become withdrawn. Chin Reduction, Genioplasty Surgery to reduce the chin aims to restore the balance and provide a natural aesthetic appearance.
A good candidate for chin reduction would be someone whose chin sticks out too far on their face. If someone’s chin is significantly larger than the rest of their facial features, our plastic surgeon can simply reduce the chin bone to a more proportionate size.
What is Chin Reduction ?
Chin reduction surgery is the antithesis of chin augmentation. It is harder to get a good result and the risk of complications is higher. Most of the time, a prominent chin is not just a bone problem but is also too much muscle and skin as well. Failure to treatment all tissues can result in chin dimpling and sagging afterwards. Most chin reductions are done from a submental or under the chin skin approach. This allows for bone burring as well as muscle and skin removal and tightening. This would also be a good time to treat a chin dimple or cleft if it is present.
Result and Follow up
The swelling after a chin reduction does take some time to appreciate the final results, often taking up to 6 weeks to see the full reduction effect.

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