Upper Eyelid Surgery

*Recovery times / Results May Vary

Upper eyelid aging is a common problem. It’s certainly the main contributor to that much-disliked look of tiredness that comes with aging. Eyes that once looked alert and lively now appear flat and dull, having lost their expressiveness under a layer of droopy skin. Drooping upper eyelids can also cause significant functional and cosmetic problems. If you feel like your eyelids are affecting your daily life, you may be a prime candidate for elective upper eyelid surgery, also known as an upper blepharoplasty. Make an appointment for an upper blepharoplasty at our clinic in Bangkok, Thailand. The cost of an upper blepharoplasty can be much less than you ever imagined.

Are You a Good Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

  • Puffy upper eyelids
  • Sagging upper eyelids
  • Upper eyelid interfering with your vision

upper blepharoplasty thailand


What is an Upper Blepharoplasty?

An upper blepharoplasty is performed to rid the upper eyelids of excess skin and fat that can negatively affect your appearance and, in some cases, interfere with vision. Double eyelid surgery is also a method of blepharoplasty. The techniques used are explained below:

  • Full-incision double eyelid surgery: Full-incision double eyelid surgery is a popular choice for many at our clinic in Bangkok due to its extended capability to enhance and modify the eyelids while addressing the signs of aging. Full-incision eyelid surgery produces permanent effects and can be applicable to all eye shapes. It offers better results for patients with severe eyelid drooping that interferes with vision.
  • Partial-incision double eyelid surgery: A partial incision double eyelid surgery involves making minor incisions on the eyelid to remove excess adipose tissue and loose muscle tissue. The muscles are then tightened and sutured to create a new crease. The benefit of this procedure is the minimal scarring and procedural discomfort during and after treatment when compared to the full-incision method. Partial double eyelid surgery is more commonly performed in Asia and is very popular at our clinic in Bangkok.
  • Buried suture (non-incision) double eyelid surgery procedure: Also known as scarless double eyelid surgery, the buried suture method is minimally invasive and is used to create natural-looking double eyelids. This method of double eyelid fold creation gained popularity when it first came about several decades ago, as it was one of the first such procedures to create folds and is non-invasive.

Instructions Prior to Eyelid Surgery

Please inform the surgeon of your complete medical history. This should include:

  • Current medical problems
  • History of serious illnesses and underlying problems
  • Surgical history and anesthesia administration
  • Dental problems
  • Drug allergies and food allergies

High-risk patients or those with underlying medical conditions or diseases may be required to undergo additional tests that may include a:

  • Blood test
  • X-ray
  • Electrocardiography (EKG)
  • Consultation with an internal medicine doctor

Your doctor will give you a list of medications, herbal drugs, and supplements that must be discontinued at least 7 days before your surgery. Please bring all your medications and supplements to the clinic on the day of surgery. These will include:

  • Aspirin
  • Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Cod liver oil
  • Vitamins A, C and D
  • Seaweed and omega oil

Please stop smoking at least 6 weeks before your scheduled surgery to prevent infarction or tissue death caused by an inadequate blood supply to the surgical site.

Please stop drinking alcohol 24 hours before your surgery and for at least 1 week after.

Take a shower and wash your hair prior to the procedure.

Cosmetic products should not be applied to the eyelid and around the eyes for at least 1 week after your procedure.

Please follow the food and fluid restrictions recommended by your doctor. These restrictions are made to prevent aspiration during the administration of the anesthesia.

It’s recommended to wear sunglasses for at least a week following your procedure.

As you’ll be sedated and anesthetized during the procedure, please arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery.


Result and Follow up

  • A cold pack is advised as a soft compress to the eyes for the first few days.
  • No smoking and drinking at least 5 days after the surgery.
  • The patient should keep the wounds dry and clean. Baby wipes are suggested to clean the facial area as well.
  • Make-up can be applied after the sutures are removed.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

*Recovery times / Results May Vary

As with the upper eyelids, many patients find that their lower eyelids become puffy or droopy over time. Some develop bags under the eyes, while others find their lower eyelids becoming wrinkly or darker in color. Lower eyelids with these characteristics often give a tired or worn appearance to the entire face. Lower eyelid surgery, also known as a lower blepharoplasty, can rejuvenate your looks and reduce the noticeable effects of aging.

Are You a Good Candidate for Lower Eyelid Surgery?

In a lower blepharoplasty, excess skin and fat may be removed or repositioned around your eyes to create a natural, more vibrant appearance without changing your face’s shape.

If you have excess lower eyelid skin or puffy bags under and around the eyes, you may be an excellent candidate for eye bag removal surgery at Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok. Make an appointment for a consultation and examination to find out your suitability for a lower blepharoplasty, upper blepharoplasty or double eyelid surgery at our clinic in Bangkok, Thailand. The lower blepharoplasty involves under-eye bag surgery that can leave you looking much younger and more vibrant. The best candidates for these procedures are healthy patients who do not smoke and do not have any serious eye conditions.

lower eyelid surgery in Bangkok


There are 2 Techniques Used for Lower Eyelid Surgery

  • Lower Blepharoplasty: In cases of excess skin, an incision will be made just beneath the eyelash row. The surgeon will remove the fat pocket and precisely control bleeding by electrocauterization. Then, they will tighten the orbicularis muscle (squeezing eye muscle) to eliminate sagging. Excess skin will be adjusted and trimmed out in the proper proportions.
  • Transconjunctival Incision: In cases of no excess skin, incisions can be made internally, and the fat pocket will be removed with precise cauterization.

Preparing for a Lower Blepharoplasty

Once you’ve decided on a procedure to be performed at Nirunda Clinic, you’ll meet with an eye surgeon to discuss your expectations for the procedure and go over your medical history. You’ll be scheduled for a physical examination, a vision test and have your eyelids photographed.

You’ll be asked to stop smoking at least two weeks before the procedure, as smoking can slow the healing process. You’ll also be asked to stop taking any medication that causes bleeding.

As Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok performs eyelid surgery on an outpatient basis, you’ll also be asked to arrange for a ride home after the procedure.


Possible Complications and Risks of Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid swelling and bruising is a common side effect of the upper eyelid procedure. While the bruising usually improves within 1-2 weeks after the procedure, it may persist for up to 1-2 months in some cases. The heaviest bruising typically develops between 24 to 72 hours after surgery. A cold compress is recommended to reduce bruising and swelling.

Eyelid revision surgery can be required when the eyelid crease is uneven, or you're unsatisfied with the result. A post-operative assessment with the surgeon should be conducted 3 months after surgery when swelling has subsided and the incision has completely healed.

Double vision may be a temporary side effect due to eyelid swelling or because of the anesthesia. The double vision should disappear as the anesthesia wears off and swelling is reduced.


Result and After Care

  • To minimize swelling, please keep your head elevated above the chest while sleeping for the first few days after surgery.
  • Using a cold pack continually is advised as a soft compress to the eyes for the first few days.
  • Refrain from activities that require the use of your eyes, like reading and watching TV. These activities cause blinking and eye movement that can inflame wounds and delay healing.
  • No smoking and drinking for at least 5 days after surgery.
  • The patient should keep the wounds dry except when cleaning.
  • Cotton swabs should be used with normal saline solution (NSS) 2-3 times a day to clean your wounds.
  • 5-7 days after surgery, an appointment will be made for follow-up care and suture removal. Swelling may last 2-4 weeks after your sutures are removed.
  • Makeup can be applied after the sutures are removed.
  • For approximately a week after surgery, you should avoid spicy food as it can cause sweating and increase blood pressure, which may lead to bleeding. Strenuous physical activity should also be avoided.
  • It’s recommended to avoid drinking or smoking as they can adversely affect the healing process.
  • All medications must be administered as prescribed. If serious side effects develop, please discontinue use and notify your doctor.
  • If you experience any abnormal signs such as red eyes, irritated eyes, or problems with your surgical incisions, notify the doctor immediately.
  • Discontinue wearing contact lenses for at least a week after surgery or until eyelid swelling subsides. Pulling the eyelid to insert lenses is not permitted as it can damage the incisions and cause inflammation and bleeding.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes for at least 2 months after surgery to allow uninterrupted healing.
  • Use all pain medication as directed by your doctor.


1What is the best age to have eyelid surgery?
Eyelid surgery can be performed on people who are at least 18. However, most people wait until they are in their mid-30s, as this is when the aging process begins to affect the skin around the eyes.
2How painful is eyelid lift surgery?
Eyelid surgery is one of the least painful surgeries of all. Most people are back to their daily routine within a day or two of having eyelid surgery.
3How long does it take to recover from eyelid surgery?
While recovery may not be painful, it can take some time to recover from the swelling and bruising. Your eyelids may take 1 to 3 weeks to recover, and their appearance may continue to improve for 1 to 3 months.
4Why should I have eyelid surgery performed at Nirunda Clinic?
The board-certified surgeons and dermatologists at Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic stay up-to-date on the latest surgical techniques, medications, and medical equipment used in aesthetic medical treatments. For the highest quality medical care and treatment in Bangkok, Thailand, you can trust Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic.
5How long do the results of an upper blepharoplasty last?
While no procedure can halt the aging process entirely, an upper blepharoplasty at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok can offer lasting results. Typically, patients enjoy the results of their eyelid surgery for five to seven years, and many find the improvements extend for a lifetime. Our skilled surgeons tailor each procedure to maximize longevity and satisfaction.
6Is an upper or lower blepharoplasty risky?
Upper eyelid surgery, or double eyelid surgery, is generally safe and provides predictable outcomes. While lower blepharoplasty, or undereye bag surgery, involves more complexity, our experienced surgeons ensure it’s performed with the highest standards of care, minimizing risks and providing excellent results.
7Will I look younger after eyelid surgery?
Eyelid surgery at our Bangkok clinic involves tightening skin and removing excess tissue, resulting in a refreshed and youthful appearance. Whether you opt for upper, lower, or double eyelid surgery in Bangkok, the goal is a natural rejuvenation and enhancement of your eye area.
8How do I prepare for an upper or lower blepharoplasty in Thailand?
We advise avoiding medications that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin and certain anti-inflammatories, for two weeks before and after surgery. Smokers should cease smoking well in advance to promote better healing. Our Bangkok team will provide a comprehensive guide to ensure you’re fully prepared for your eyelid surgery.
9Why Choose Nirunda Clinic for my blepharoplasty procedure in Bangkok?
At Nirunda Clinic, our surgeon’s eyelid surgery expertise spans from upper blepharoplasty to intricate lower eyelid surgery. For those considering double eyelid surgery or eye bag removal in Bangkok, our clinic offers exceptional care and results. Concerned about upper and lower blepharoplasty costs? We provide transparent pricing in advance, so you know exactly what to expect.


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