breast implant removal
and Stemcell Fat Transfer Replacement (CAL®)

At Nirunda , Our board certified plastic surgeon can remove artificial breast implants and perform stemcell fat transfer by CAL to your breast augmentation at the same time.
By replacing the artificial implant with fat taken from patient’s own body, a natural looking breast, soft and responsive to movement, can be attained. 70 percent of the all side effects of cosmetic surgery are caused by artificial implants. Breast augmentation by implant can achieve a dramatic increase in the size of the breast relatively easily, but there are number of complications that may be caused by the implant. Some of the complications that would occur are capsular contracture (deformity by hardening), rupture or leaking of the implant, deformation or asymmetry of the breasts, infection or implant exposure from skin necrosis. They can also be easily noticeable unlike non-implanted breast, on reclining, the unnatural height and shape will indicate the presence of an implant, and the implant will be visible on x-ray.
Stemcell Fat transfer treatments are performed by using the patient’s own excess fat from the abdomen, hips, or buttocks to rejuvenate targeted areas of the face. Depending on the extent of the procedure, a general anesthetic or IV sedation is utilized for comfort. After any unusable fat cells have been removed, the harvested fat is then injected to the target site to restore volume.
What is Stemcell Fat Transfer by CAL®
Stemcell Fat Transfer or CAL (cell assisted liposuction) is a procedure where we harvest stem cells from fat extracted out of your own body and then, after mixing them with more fat, also taken from your own body, we transfer it to restore a youthful contour to the face, breasts, lips, hands and buttocks. The enriched stem cells within the fat will encourage the growth of new blood vessels to nourish the transplanted fat and may also stimulate the production of new fat cells. Compared to conventional liposuction-transplantation techniques, the survival rate of this enriched fat is much higher.
Breast Implant Removal and Replacement by CAL®
This procedure is perfect for people that want a more natural breast augmentation by remove your implant and replace the space on your breast to make it fuller by Stemcell fat transfer (CAL). The operation will do in the same day. Fat transfer breast augmentation can give women fuller, more attractive breasts without the need for breast implants. The Stemcell fat transfer by CAL procedure involves using fat harvested from a patient's stomach or thighs and using it to build up the breast. There are no breast implants used with this method, and Stemcell fat transfer by CAL technique consistently achieves beautiful, natural looking results.
Our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon chooses a donor site, usually abdomen and thighs, the fat is then removed from the area with a special liposuction technique that prevents the living fat cells and also stemcell from fat. The suctioned fat is processed into pure enriched stem cell in the cell processing unit . Stem cells have unique rejuvenating features that can enhance both healing and the results.
After the Stemcell Fat has been prepared , The Plastic Surgeon injects stemcell fat into the breast site using special designed-syringe and needle with less scar (only needle size). This technique increasing the survival rate of the transferred fat cells (High retaining rate) and make the shape of Breast to be “Natural Looking”
Result and Follow up
The surgery time is varied to the numbers of the concerned areas, approximately from 1 to 4 hours. The patient will need to undergo general anesthesia during the operation. Lab Check-up is required to the patient before the surgery.
Most women experience some initial discomfort following their procedure. The breasts may feel full and swollen, and the liposuction donor sites may be sore and bruised. Using cold packs can help you feel more comfortable and reduce swelling. You’ll notice a change in your profile immediately. Your surgeon will transfer stemcell fat initially to account for the natural fat loss with stemcell fat grafting. Most women can return to work in a week or two.

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