Have laser hair removal performed at Nirunda Clinic.

Everything You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal

The science of hair removal has come a long way. What once was accomplished only by razors, painful waxing, and depilatory creams has now entered a new age of ease and simplicity. Laser hair removal leaves your skin soft and smooth. Read on to find out more.

What’s Involved in Laser Hair Removal?

Two types of lasers are used to rid your body of hair at Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok - diode and YAG lasers. These lasers were developed specifically for hair removal, and have proven to be very effective on different skin types. Diode lasers are often used on people with light to medium skin tones, while the use of YAG lasers is generally used on those with darker skin tones.

Diode lasers were the first lasers developed for hair removal. They were effective at removing dark hair from light-skinned people but were less efficient at treating darker-skinned people or those with light-colored hair. The development of YAG lasers has solved these problems.

Both of these lasers work under the same principle. The lasers are contained in a hand-held device which the technician uses to focus the light at the base of unwanted hair follicles. The pigment in the follicle absorbs the rays of light, and the heat of the ray damages the hair and prevents it from growing back. Multiple treatments are generally required, and they will be scheduled four to eight weeks apart.

Laser Hair Removal Preparations

There are some preparations you should follow to ensure your laser hair removal sessions are effective.

It’s worth noting that laser treatments can’t be performed on recently sunburned or tanned skin because the skin may become hypersensitive, so you should stay out of the sun for at least two weeks before the session.

Avoid using skin products with benzoyl peroxide, retinol, and salicylic acid. These ingredients can increase your skin's photosensitivity and may cause the lasers to burn your skin. Stop using products containing these ingredients 2-3 days before your session.

Lasers target the pigment of the hair in the follicles. If the follicles are damaged by tweezing, waxing or other home treatments, laser hair removal may not work effectively on the damaged follicles.

You'll need to shave the area undergoing laser treatment within 24 hours before your appointment. Leaving unshaven hair in place increases the chance of them being burned by the laser and prevents the laser from reaching the follicles under the skin. If your skin is sensitive to shaving, you may want to shave well before the appointment to leave enough time for any irritation to subside.

Be sure to arrive for your laser treatment with clean skin free of creams, oils, deodorants, makeup or sunscreen. The technician will apply a layer of cooling gel to the treatment area before the session begins.

Laser Hair Removal Post Care

It’s vital that you follow the aftercare instructions provided by your laser hair removal technician. We’ll provide you with some dos and don’ts after your session that will ensure you get the full benefit of your laser hair removal treatment.

After your treatment, your skin may be slightly swollen and red but should return to normal within a few hours of the session. Choosing light and airy natural fabrics to wear over your skin on your way home will lessen any discomfort you may feel. Avoid extremely hot baths, showers and steam rooms for at least 48 hours after the session, as these can increase the swelling.

If you have any skin discoloration, apply some vitamin E oil or cream to the area. This will help with the discoloration and also soothe your skin.

Things to Avoid After Laser Hair Removal

The treatment process continues after you've left our clinic. It's important that you continue to care for the area for up to a month after treatment.

  • Plucking or waxing the area of treatment can stimulate the follicle to begin growing again.
  • Exfoliate the area as soon as any redness has completely disappeared. This should be approximately one to two weeks after your treatment.
  • Avoid direct sunlight for two to four weeks after treatment.
  • Stop using deodorants for three days after your treatment to avoid skin irritation.
  • Don't use cosmetics except for 100% mineral makeup until the skin has healed.
  • If the treated area becomes itchy, avoid scratching, which can lead to scarring.
  • Avoid exercise and sweating for up to 48 hours to help reduce irritation.

Visit Nirunda Clinic for Effective Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is just one of the many treatments offered at Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok. Our team of doctors and technicians specialize in many areas, including plastic surgery and dermatology. Learn more about the extensive range of aesthetic services we offer by making an appointment for an examination and consultation today.